
Hay Family

Offspring of David Hay and Celia Kermath:
News and notes about the Hay family, originating from Chicago, with Glasgow roots.
Hay Family members, Log-in & Make a New Post here!

so long, farewell, I hope we meet again...
Well, I admit to being a bit embarassed about this, but a certain family member (who shall go unnamed) absolutely demanded that I post my email that I sent out to everyone early up here at the Hay blog as well, otherwise they would move out to San Diego right next door to us and play bongos to the music of Zamfir all night. Always one for family harmony, I aqueiesed...
I also thought about deleting my post from yesterday, but decided to leave it...

I'll keep this brief (altogether now... HA!), since time is running out... the movers are almost upon us!!

Our time has come, and we must take our leave of Chicago(land). The movers arrive tomorrow, we close on the house Tuesday morning at 10am, have lunch, then hit the road to Iowa. We should arrive in our new home away from Chicago by Friday or Saturday.
We have a new addy:
5130 Via Valarta
San Diego, CA 92124-1561

it is a huge apartment complex (almost 500 units!) on the NE side of SD.
you can see more at their website

And a phone number already:
area code 858 -- 571 -- 6077
(yes, we know it is similar to our current one... I picked it that way)
There is some more (and duplicate) info about the move on both the blogs I write on...
Chaos Digest

The Hay Family Blog

Since you won't be seeing my ugly mug much, those two sites might be the best places to still experience some of that infamous "Hay-ness". ChaosDigest is a site I share with 3 other friends, where we just post whatever the hell we feel like (literally... just check out some of the old archives there) as definitely shows off more of my smart-ass-ness. The Hay Family thing is just what it says it is, strictly for news about my Hay side of the family. Fairly boring actually (I keep hoping some of the other family members post personality on it), but should have the latest scoop on what is up with Cres and I. But hey, even some cyber-greg in your life is better than no greg, right? Right? Hello? Is this microphone on??

We'll be on the road for awhile, and even after that we won't have internet access for awhile until I find a good value (withdrawal... pains... it hurts... it hurts...), so I won't see any email for about 2 weeks or so. Instead, I would prefer if you just post any responses on the comments section at either of the ChaosDigest or Hay Family blogs linked above. It'll make it MUCH easier for me to read/respond when I do get back to the wired reality. And besides an outpouring of such public affection would make me feel warm and squishy =;-p

But back to my goodbyes...

To all who are getting this:
You are either family, and I simply have to put up with you, or you are a friend, and have come to have sincere meaning in my life. To both groups, I thank you, I respect you, and I love you. All too often (especially lately), I have taken everyone for granted, and that is one of the main reasons for this move... my comfort level has gotten too big in Chicago, and I have simply stopped growing as much as I want to grow.

The people I have not seen in eons are too many... friends whose houses I've never even seen (Brian, Nagy, Mess and Renee, Snoozin, Laura & Rod), I am sorry. Friends I've lost touch with (Lynne Ramierez, Steve Wollard, Rachel).... old coworkers I should have kept in better touch with (Tim, Steve, Tony, Bleach, even that Russ guy who's a dad now)... lists and names like that validate this move. I don't embrace life like I used to...

I know I am going to miss a lot of people. Friends like Roland are hard to come by, and impossible to replace. The Carosi household makes me realize why different cultures are such a continual joy to experience. Neighbors like Tracy and Michelle (and even the unfunny Irishman E. Murphy) are people I should have met years and years ago. I will miss you guys (and gals).

But by far the hardest voids in my life to replace will be my two brothers (Mike and Chris), my two brothers-in-laws (Jon and Jeff), and the psuedo-bro (James). I really mean that... I will miss you guys something fierce. Anytime I needed something, each of you was always there whenever I asked. That is something one can never forget... The bond is deeper than family for me. (And keep wearing your helmet in Iraq, Mike).

And not to embarrass them (but we all know Greg really means to), but I thank my parents too. You both have your faults, but the sincere goodness in each of you far, far outweighs those faults. You have done a superb job of raising three rather rambunctious boys (except for that whole cleaning thing, which our wives still complain about =;-) and you should be very very proud. I love you both more than you will ever know, and respect the hell out of each of you, for what you know, and what you have accomplished in life.

I am kinda sad to leave this house... it is weird, you always get excited/nervous with your 'first' house purchase (and mortgage), but in the back of your mind you think "this is a nice first house, but wait until we get to buy our home..."
Even though Cres and I never expected to live here forever, somewhere along the way the past 6+ years, this house did indeed become home.
I like this house. I like this neighborhood. Hell, I like Chicago.
I will miss it.

But about the move, I am not frightened, sad, excited, nervous, stressed... nothing bad.
Well, I am a bit sore from packing and moving boxes, but that is about it.

I welcome this.
I smile at the dawn of this life phase.
I look forward to evolving again as a person, as a husband.

Sadly, we can not take all of you with us, but perhaps, just perhaps, hopefully we can convince each and every one of you to move to the earthly paradise known as San Diego. We have an extra bedroom especially for visitors, and we sincerely do want you to use it.

Peace and prosperity to all,
Gregory and Cresencia Hay (we'll keep the warm winters allllll to ourselves though =;-)

PS If anyone is feeling especially moved right now and wants to give us a going-away present, and since I gave away my fish tank (enjoy bleach!), may I suggest this... =;-)

“Art is a wound turned to light."
- George Braque

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